Patient Services

General Family Health

Your GP is able to care, treat, and manage a wide range of medical conditions and health concerns, for patients of all ages and stages of life.  This includes antenatal care, children (paediatric), adolescents and young adults, middle aged adults through to older persons

Women's Health

We focus on offering preventative health advice to achieve and maintain optimal health and recommend women have regular check-ups with their GP to ensure all preventative screening is up to date. Whether you are currently experiencing painful periods, ready for your next cervical screening test or looking into different methods of contraception, your GP will help you feel as comfortable as possible in the process and we have female GP’s available if this is your preference. Some of the more common women’s health issues that your GP can help with include:

A Cervical Screening Test (CST) replaced the Pap smear test in December 2017. The CST is now the preferred test for women to screen for detection of cervical cancer. A CST can be performed with or without a speculum examination so discuss this with your GP. Also, if your test results are normal and you are asymptomatic you only need to repeat your CST every 5 years.

There are various contraceptive methods now available, and your GP can discuss these with you so that the right contraceptive method suits your health needs. These include oral contraceptive pills, contraceptive injection (Depo Provera), or popular birth control devices such as Implanon and Mirena.

Breast awareness and self-examinations, in conjunction with breast screenings for women over 40 years of age is highly recommended. If you have any concerns about your breasts or notice any changes during self-examination you should arrange an appointment with your GP without delay.

If you have a family history with one or more relatives on the same side of your family (mother’s or fathers’ side) with breast cancer or relatives diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age (under 50 years of age) talk with your GP as you may need to have earlier breast screenings or genetic testing.

While the average age to experience this ‘change of life’ is around 50 years of age, it could happen significantly earlier or later than that. If you are suffering from any adverse effects of menopause or have further questions, you should see your GP.

If you have been trying to conceive without success, make an appointment with your GP and they can discuss with you your concerns and refer you to an appropriate specialist if required.

Men's Health

Men approach health care differently than women and may be hesitant to see their GP for a check-up or undertake health screening. To make it more comfortable we have several male GP’s available to assist. Some of the more common men’s health issues that your GP can help with include:

If you have been trying to conceive without success, make an appointment with your GP and they can discuss with you your concerns and refer you to an appropriate specialist if required.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men and the risk of it developing increases with age. Men can have a PSA (prostatic specific antigen) blood test performed to assess their risk, so discuss this with your GP. It is recommended if you are 50 years or older (40 years of age if you have a family history of prostate cancer) you begin screening.

Preventative Health

If you are 45 years and over, or if you Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander and are over 30 you should see your GP for a heart check.

Your GP can calculate your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and will review you weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, family history and can perform a resting Electrocardiogram (ECG) that looks at the rhythm and rate of your heart if indicated.
Increased cholesterol levels and high blood pressure can contribute significantly to heart disease and stroke. Your GP will advise on lifestyle (dietary intake, physical activity, alcohol and smoking status) and offer recommendations to reduce your risk factors and improve your overall health.

The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program commences from 50 years of age and is an at home collection kit.  Our GP’s encourage participation in this program

Skin Checks

It is important that you become familiar with the moles, freckles and other skin blemishes that you have and regularly conduct a skin check for changes in appearance or new additions. If there is a change you must book an appointment with your GP to assess and advise on treatment.

A skin biopsy may be taken by your GP for the purpose of diagnoses such as melanoma, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Early diagnosis and intervention help to improve outcomes.

Your GP may also recommend cryotherapy which is a non-invasive quick and effective hyper cooling treatment where liquid nitrogen is applied to sunspots killing the abnormal cells.

Sexual Health

Sexual activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle but is not without risk. If you are sexually active, it is imperative that you take steps to practice safe sex and that you also get tested regularly. There is no need to feel any stigma or panic over getting tests, it is a smart and safe way to manage your health. Some sexually transmitted infections do not immediately present with symptoms so even if you are feeling healthy it is a good idea to have a regular check-up with your GP. If you have concerns about your sexual activity speak to your GP.

Mental Health

Your mental health is extremely important and one of the hardest things to do can be to ask for help. GPs are often the first port of call for people seeking help and support with a mental illness, disorder or acute mental crisis. GP’s can provide a variety of services, including referral to specialised services, including preparation of a Mental Health Treatment Plan that can provide patients with access to Medicare rebated psychology sessions.

Other Services Include:

  • Excisions of skin lesions, cysts,
  • Removal of ingrown toenails
  • Suturing of minor wounds

After consultation with GP

After consultation with GP

Existing patients only